Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 109, Carpet & Carpentry

This week signifies the last of the primary project chores less the entertainment systems. The carpeting of the downstairs, and various punch list items.

Sandy and I have been down with colds this week, yuck!  I think our immune systems took a tough hit with dead dogs, a sick kid and my dental cleaning.

I am sad to see the Brittian family pull up stakes and head to their next job site. I will soon not have that familiar sign greeting me everyday as I leave the house.

BELOW, Pat inspects the new 'Blue Wall'. Pixar and Tamika looks on to see what treats may be had,  afterall Halloween is just around the corner.

Plaster walls have certain tactile quality. They are so smooth from the burnishing process as seen by Dad touchy experiment.

ABOVE, the final touch is completing tacking the 'Blue Wall' baseboard.

RIGHT, Michelle and Dad finish installing the wall plates for the in-house vacuum system. They wanted the plate to be perfect or else.
ABOVE, here Jeff (left) and Troy (right) prepare to install the carpet runner for the downstairs.

LEFT, here comes the carpet pre-cut and ready to install.

BELOW, the the base pad in attached to the stairs prior to attaching the carpet. We anted the edge of the carpet rolled aroung each edge of the step.

RIGHT, looking the stairs up to the Family room we are very pleased with the end result. The color bends with the rest of our color palette. Thanks to Kristy and Kerry

BELOW, Sandy and I are very pleased with how well the entire downstairs turned out. From the humble beginnings of wooden rails and hand rail to what we have now.

Michelle checks in with Darrell to see if there are 
any last minute items still left to do.

The basement was our staging area for appliances and key fixtures prior to their installation. Sandy wanted some of the old cabinets saved and installed in the front space of the downstairs. Darrell and Stacy will return on a rainy day to do that task.

Another chore is having Mikey doing a full electrical audit of our system. After many electricians adding and subtracting circuits over the last fifty years we need to verify each and everyone to insure their reliability.

In fact one of the key outcomes of such an audit is replacing faulty switches and plugs with code approve electrical items.

Mikey will finalize the switch labels for the Master and Sub Panels as part this audit.

WE are constantly reminded of the nature that surrounds us. I had profound influenced on us to fix up our home. The sunsets at Wikiup are breath-taken in their explosion of warm glows and the replacement of evenings cooler tones. Then comes all the points of light ushering the night.

NEXT: I hand Darrell the final payment and we discuss the punch list items.

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