Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Blue Wall

As we draw to the close of construction and closer to moving back into our home; several aspects of the remodel still linger. At the top of the list is the entry way's famous 'Blue Wall'. Clint, our painting contractor has tasked with the project of using his Venetian plaster skills to showcase this wall. This is our grand entrance into our new Kitchen-Dining-Antique Space.

Clint applied some initial colored plaster on the wall waiting for his queue to create the final wall. As we all filed by the color plaster we uttered various comments about the background, pictured right. That's Clint's daughter helping Dad.

Clint and I discuss how we wanted this wall be done. Sandy and I gave him a picture of the Blue Bahia granite and said match this.

As we watched his progress I played with our new dog Pixar and Tamika demanded her time as well.

Clint announced this wall is done and Sandy and I agreed.

BELOW, I slept off two glasses wine as Clint worked his magic in the Entry.

We are delighted with the result. There is a combination of burnished plaster that is highly reflective and smooth with a granular look and sandy touch.

I now have my visual invitation to the rest of our home bordered by the Stone Fire Place, the Cherry Cabinets, the Oak Floors and all the Granite Counters.

NEXT: Are the punch list item to be done including the carpeting of the down stairs steps.

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