Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 105, Lots of details and a Black Lab addition

Hello my name is Pixar, 'PIX' to my friends and I have decided to bunk here at the Steeles. Pix came to us way of a phone call at the Sonoma Airport waiting to fly to San Diego. He is a male breeder we have agreed to raise and transport to CCI when his breeding skills are summoned.

He past muster with our senior dog and all the builders. Pasco is barking his approval too in the beyond.

Besides a new dog, Darrell informed us that we passed our final inspection on the Friday while we were in San Diego. 

It was a tough inspection, Darrell got five citations and he dealt with  everyone of them getting them cleared and sign off. This is major milestone in our remodel project.

I didn't like the original porch corbels that supported the beams. Stacy and I consulted to construct this cut down version that is a better looking solution. These legacy items from the original house are all over. The challenge is bending into the modern fixtures and finishes we have introduced into the project.

BELOW, Rich, Darrell's dad prepares for another task.

There is an endless chain of details to be completed: wiring for the porch fan; installing handsets on the French doors; aligning shower stalls.
It sometime seems like it never ends.

Here's a good old builders conference. Dad discusses this remote to operate the downdraft fan. They recommend installing next to the cooking surface. That means he have to drill a hole through the granite. Darrell's not doing that!

Darrell talked this out with Stacy and Dad and came up installing the remote just inside one of the doors under the gas cooktop.

Darrell proudly points to his solution to activate the downdraft when cooking with the gas cook top.

LEFT, we got our new eating nook installed and used Sandy's claw foot oak table as temporary solution until we get an actual table built or bought.

Our flat screen rack is ready to receive the Panasonic we are using in the studio.

The big unknown is what this blue plaster wall will look like. I am sure it's done. Tune in for more updates on the wall

BELOW, these are all the material to do this kind of work.

NEXT: we are getting close to completion and move back.

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