Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 42, The Sheet Rocking is in full swing, the rooms are taking shape

Day 2 finds our Rock Stars, as they use the drills with the switched on and feeding the chuck with screws. They are quick and rarely screw around.

 Darrell is sizing up this chimney collar to be placed the in the ceiling. This sheet metal piece is design to keep the hot pipe from touching anything within the chimney chase.

Below the assembled crew give their input on how best to adjust the pipe so they may thread up through the ceiling, attic space and eventually through the roof.


 It looks so different with the walls covered, this a view looking into the Kitchen and Utility room. Below is view of the three windows into the family room, viewed from the middle of the Kitchen.

Above is the pony wall rocked in and how it has transformed the look of the Family room.

As is the norm, our drive way is filled with autos and now sheet rock dust. It is interesting seeing who uses the bathroom the most. I didn't ID any footprints.

Here, Father passes down important building traditions to his son. This includes keeping the job site clean and tidy after each day of construction. The owners really appreciate this routine.

NEXT: Day 43, Rocking end, inspection sign-off and ready for the Tape and Texture crew.

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