Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 76 & 77, Lots of finish activity and our first Saturday work day

ABOVE, Rich and Esduardo erect the scaffolding for the next phase of stonework.

Rich off loads all the material needed to install the stone veneer.

ABOVE, Esduardo luges the scaffolding boardsinto the house. 

RIGHT, Rich changes out his diamond cutting blades in preparation for the day installation phase.

The job site is ready and the mortar is being mixed in preparation for the day's installation. 

The stone are then staged on the scaffolding in order setting them in their permanent position.

Builders and contractors confer with owner. Craig before he leaves to do two building audits in the Marysville area and the Sierra's community of Downieville. He then plans to visit his Dad in Lake Tahoe. The red Porsche will get it new tires a broke-in. The trip is planned to be almost 400 mile round trip. This includes marathon video poker playing at the Lakeside Inn, Stateline NV with Tahoe Bob Steele (aka Grampy).

LEFT, the the first tier of corner stones fixed in place. Notice the white spacers used to get a uniform distance between each layer of stone.

BELOW, Rich starts filing in the rest of the stones while paying attention to how it matches the other stonework on the exterior of the house.

What transpires is this beautiful stone work accenting our fireplace. 

I have a new appreciation for the craftsmanship necessary to  get this kind of result. 

Sandy and I love what has been created here.

One of the things we noticed about the construction routine was our front door was always left open all day allowing flights of winged critters access to our house's interior. The majority of them ended up buzzing our windows till their demise. Unless Sandy swooped them up and out of their prison including one wasp.

We needed a solution; so I surfed the internet and found Jeff of Sunset Screens. Darrell and him worked on the details of his product and how to install it on the front door allowing critter free air to ventilate the interior spaces. Sandy approved the finishes and budget. She placed an order to add a pull out screen on our front door.

One of the necessary tools in construction is not the power plug-ins. It's the music box playing Country that must be on all day to motivate the builders as they do their work.

I am even getting use to the trials and tribulations of the Country conscienciousness. Yea-Haw!

Another treat to the job site is the D-Built Business Manager, Michelle, (aka Darrell's lovely wife). We do get the impression who is really in charge of this operation.

LEFT, Darrell discusses the finish details on a new mantle piece to cap the fireplace in the Family Room.

I never notice the unique stone used to surround the fireplace. I has ancient fossil shellfish embedded in the stone bricks.

BELOW, shows how the builders moved the pendent light over three inches to miss the cabinet door swing. I can learn so much from how these builder figure out where things are installed.

RIGHT, Darrell and Dad are installing the bead board on the one of the Living Room walls

BELOW, Stacy works on the bead board install as he measures to install the chair rail cap.
ABOVE, we have a builder consult on achieving the right look for the window and how they merge the chair rail with the window molding.

Then there is Mikey, the electrical contortionist, what a lay back job this guy has...

Just kidding, he is getting the under cabinet lighting just right so the LED covers the worksurface just right.

NEXT is our first Saturday working day. Rich wanted to work to complete his stone installation. 

Darrell needed to have a tape and texture guy come back and fix several patches to walls and ceiling.



The following is the Saturday Workday at the Wikiup Project

Darrell explains what areas need to be repaired and prepared to be re-painted.

RIGHT, the moving of the pendent light hole over three inches needed a patch to fixed the old opening.

Rich and Esduardo worked all day to complete the stone setting. 

BELOW, makes a cut using the monster diamond saw. We had to plug it into laundry room dryer outlet to run this tool.

ABOVE, Rich and Esduardo brag that their stone works looks far better then the picture we used for the last year to visualize the end result. the fireplace is one of our center piece of our Wikiup Project.

RIGHT, Darrell vacuums the job site in prep for next week. He and Michelle are off on an adventure so Darrell is playing hookey on Monday.

NEXT, I am gone to Stockton this week for work till Thursday. What's next is the final seating of the ledge stones on the fireplace, installation of the last two windows for the master bedroom and studio, and more molding trim installation. Also, the flooring may start this week...

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